Stocard for iOS

All your loyalty cards on your iPhone

One of my pet peeves is the number of plastic cards I have to carry in my wallet. Most of the time I tend to strip the contents to the essential debit cards that I use all the time but this sometimes means that I miss out on discounts or other benefits by not having a particular stores loyalty card with me.

Stocard solves this little problem by providing a simple way of importing store loyalty cards into your iPhone allowing you to leave the plastic at home without having to pass up on the discounts or loyalty points. Adding cards is very quick, just search for the store name from the extensive list then scan the card bar code using the iPhone camera and the cards details are captured. Now you can present the bar code on your iPhone to the cashier when making a purchase and they can scan this instead of the plastic. The app can also store card details for shops/companies not listed including adding a photo of the card for easy reference. I have used it to import my library cards for example.

Stocard do acknowledge that some older scanners aren’t able to read the iPhone screen but in these cases the bar code can be entered manually by the cashier.

The app is available for iOS and Android and is a free download.

Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy