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Harvesting my data....

Another example of crappy car park apps...

Car parking payment apps are the worst… Or at least most of them are.

APCOA Connect is the latest example of crapware that I was required to register with earlier today. Arriving in Letchworth for business the only suitable car park I could find was outside the train station. After squeezing into the remaining space I then spent 10 minutes downloading and registering the APCOA Connect app in order to pay for the overnight parking.

Aside from the truly awful UI, the app requires you to provide address details AND payment card details before you are finally allowed to see the Apple Pay option ! There was no link or indication that Apple Pay is available until you have already provided APCOA with your personal details. I was spitting feathers… The trouble is what option do you have. The payment terminal was of course broken so the only way to pay is to use their crappy app. They have you over a barrel.

Unfortunately this sort of experience seems to be common place with car parking apps. I have come across a couple of apps that make parking quick and easy but these seem to be the exception not the rule. I suspect I am not alone in a loathing of this category of app ? What are your thoughts/experiences ?

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